Help Desk: "Trust 365" is our service network / technical support hotline available at any time / all the day - even outside business hours.
Yaskawa Automation & Drives Corporation has established an effective help desk, "TRUST 365", which is available around-the-clock, all through the year.
We quickly respond to your requests for service & support such as troubleshooting of drives systems, controllers, PLC, HMI, high voltage switchgear and technical consultation.
We reliably support stable operation of your production facilities by minimizing downtime due to unexpected errors.
For users with our service & support contracts : telephone support + technical support
For systems such as paper, film, crane, textile, printing machines, etc.
The sticker label on the rear side of a cabinet door delivered by YAD has an eight-digit order / service contract number of which you can inform our supporting staff when contacting for support.
For other users : telephone support
You can inform our operator of details of your service & support request. We will provide technical support from the next business day.
TRUST 365 help desk : service outside normal business hours